General FAQs


Q: How is Kitsap Transit funded?

A: Kitsap Transit is owned by the citizens of Kitsap County. Its operations are funded by local sales tax collection, fares and revenue such as bus advertising. Capital projects are generally funded by federal and state grants, with a small local match.

Q: Are you hiring?

A: Kitsap Transit's Employment page links you to a service that lets you search for job openings and complete Kitsap Transit's application process on-line.

Q: Can I take an animal aboard your buses or Foot Ferry?

A: Service animals are welcome on any Kitsap Transit vehicle. Animals in approved carriers are also permitted. Approved carriers include any type of enclosure from which the animal cannot escape. A paper or plastic bag does not qualify - a secured cardboard box does. The operator reserves the right to refuse to allow a carrier aboard if it is too large to be managed by the rider or if the carrier takes up a seat on a crowded bus.

Q: Does Kitsap Transit operate on holidays?

A: Kitsap Transit does not operate service on the following holidays or observances: New Year's Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. On Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Presidents' Day, Columbus Day and Veterans' Day Kitsap Transit operates regularly scheduled weekday service with no dedicated service to the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard.  For specific holiday service information please see the holiday schedule.


Q: What do I do if I lose something on the bus or Foot Ferry?

A: Lost and found items are tagged and turned in to our Customer Service Office. If you lose an item on the bus, the Kitsap Transit Foot Ferry or at a transfer center, please call Kitsap Transit's Customer Service Office at 360-373-2877 or 1-800-501-RIDE. Kitsap Transit takes extra measures to ensure a quick return of wallets, purses and medications. 

Items lost in South Kitsap and Central Kitsap areas will be available for pick up the following day after 2pm at the Bremerton Customer Service Office (10 Washington Ave - Bremerton Ferry Terminal). Please call before coming down to claim your item to make sure we have it. If your item was lost in North Kitsap or Bainbridge Island,please call us for details on retrieving your item.

Kitsap Transit is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Perishable items are disposed of after 24 hours. Unclaimed items are turned over to charity after 30 days.

Q: Can large groups use Kitsap Transit?

A: Yes. Please notify Kitsap Transit seven days in advance when you have a group of ten or more riding on the bus or Foot Ferry. Advance notice allows us to make every effort to accommodate the largest number of riders safely. Call 1-800-501-7433 to notify us of your large group travel.

We can't guarantee that all members of the group will get a seat or be able to board the same vehicle, but we'll do our best to meet the needs of your group. When capacity on the bus or ferry will not safely accommodate both the individuals and the group waiting to board, preference is given to individual riders. This minimizes the number of missed connections and transit services impacted by the overload. Coast Guard regulations and the availability of children's life vests may require large groups catching the Foot Ferry to split up into two different trips.

Groups can make a single payment for the group with a check, purchase order (pre-approved),  ORCA card or each rider can deposit their fare into the fare box. Children under six ride free, but must be accompanied by at least one fare-paying adult per five children. If you are traveling with a large group of children, ask about youth reduced fare when you call to notify us of your trip.

Q: It's snowing! Does Kitsap Transit operate in bad weather?

A: The safety of our riders and operators is our first priority. During snowy or icy conditions, we operate only a level of service that we feel is safe for the conditions.

Kitsap Transit routed buses may operate on snow routes that avoid hilly and historically tough-to-travel roads. We may limit service to just primary bus routes. Under the most severe conditions, we may suspend service completely - it has only happened once in 31 years!  We will do our best to keep riders up-to-date during these unexpected conditions by opening our phone lines weekdays at 4am to take calls as well as provide updates via our website.

The Foot Ferry generally has no limitations during snowy weather, but service may be delayed or limited in high wind conditions.

Registered ACCESS service riders should call 1-800-422-2877 for information about service interruptions or suspension during adverse weather conditions. If service is suspended for safety reasons, ACCESS may still be available for emergency services such as trips to critical medical appointments or to pick up prescriptions, groceries and food bank items. ACCESS will make every effort to provide service to registered riders who notify us that their trips are essential. ACCESS staff will make the final decision regarding whether a trip can be provided safely.

Worker/Driver buses generally operate in snow conditions, unless the employment center to which they are traveling shuts down. See your route map or contact your driver for snow details.

Vanpools operate during snow conditions at the discretion of the driver. Contact your driver for information.

Q: I want to do my shopping by bus. Is there a limit on what I can bring on board?

A: Yes. For the convenience of other passengers, riders cannot bring aboard more than they can manage themselves. The operator cannot leave his or her seat to help you with groceries. If you have a wheeled shopping cart it must be emptied and folded for the trip.

Don't shop for fireworks, car batteries or anything else that could contain flammable liquids, explosives, acid or any other material likely to cause harm. For a complete list of prohibited items please read our Rules of Conduct.


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60 Washington Avenue, Suite 200, Bremerton, WA 98337 Visit our office Phone: (360) 373-2877 or 1-800-501-RIDE